
  • Guided by paragraph 8.25 of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Programme of Action, UNFPA does not support or promote abortion as a method of family planning. It accords the highest priority and support to voluntary family planning to prevent unwanted pregnancies so as to eliminate recourse to abortion. UNFPA supports governments to strengthen their national health systems to deal effectively with complications of unsafe abortions, thereby saving women’s lives.
  • UNFPA does not promote changes to the legal status of abortion, which are decision-making processes that are the sovereign preserve of countries. But UNFPA opposes any form of coercive abortion and the discriminatory practice of prenatal sex selection, in line with the consensus of the 1994 Cairo International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD).
  • Since some 13 per cent of maternal deaths are due to unsafe abortion, its impact on women’s health, lives and well-being should be addressed, as agreed at the Cairo Conference. Post-abortion care should be provided. Where abortion is legal, national health systems should make it safe and accessible, as agreed by United Nations Members.
  • Find more guidance on this subject in the UNFPA Issue Brief: Unsafe Abortion (https://portal.myunfpa.org/web/myunfpa/issue-briefs/-/wiki/Main/Unsafe+Abortion)