(Updated 13 December 2013)

The following table includes terminologies to avoid and the recommended terminology to use:
Past terminology
Preferred terminology

Age-appropriate comprehensive sexuality education

Comprehensive sexuality education

AIDS patient

Patient with HIV-related illness. Use the term ‘patient' only when referring to a clinical setting.

AIDS-carrier; AIDS patient; AIDS-sufferer; AIDS-infected

Person living with HIV


Men who have sex with both men and women, or women who have sex with both women and men.

Drug abuser, drug addict, drug user

Person who injects drugs. A broader term that

may apply in some situations is person who uses drugs.(IDU Injecting Drug User)

Fight against AIDS

Response to AIDS or AIDS response


Men who have sex with men


HIV and AIDS- Use the term that is most specific and appropriate in the context to avoid confusion between HIV (a virus) and AIDS (a clinical syndrome). Examples include ‘people living with HIV', ‘HIV prevalence', ‘HIV prevention', ‘HIV testing and counselling', ‘HIV-related disease', ‘AIDS diagnosis', ‘children orphaned by ‘AIDS', ‘AIDS response', ‘national AIDS programme', ‘AIDS service organisation'. Both ‘HIV epidemic' and ‘AIDS epidemic' are acceptable, but ‘HIV epidemic' is a more inclusive term.

High-risk group/vulnerable group

Key populations at higher risk


Women who have sex with women


National, regional or global epidemic

Population control

Rights-based family planning  or contraceptive services


Sex work, sex worker / Commercial sex, the sale of sexual services. When children are involved, refer to commercial sexual exploitation of children.

Risk of AIDS

Risk of HIV infection or Risk of exposure to HIV

Safe sex

Safer sex

STD sexually transmitted Disease

STI Sexually Transmitted Infection

Spousal transmission

Intimate partner transmission