
It refers to the number of births occurred in a population during a given period.  The word is more common in other languages (natalidad in Spanish, natalité in French); in English, the phrase "number of births" is used more often than the word natality. 

Natural fertility 

This concept refers to the average or maximum number of births that a woman can have if there is no external or internal element that contributes to diminish it; that is, in the absence of family limitation.

Neonatal Period   

The period of time which commences at birth and ends 28 completed days after birth.

Net migration

The number of in-migrants minus the number of out-migrants.

Net Reproduction Rate (NRR)

The number of persons in the next generation compared to the current generation. Technically, it is the average number of girls born to each woman of childbearing age who will survive to the age their mothers had when they were born. An NRR of one implies that each generation is as large as the previous one. An NRR larger than one implies population expansion.  

New user

Someone who chooses to use a contraceptive method for the first time.


Non-governmental organization (NGO) is any non-profit, voluntary citizens' group, which is organized on a local, national or international level. In the US and many other western countries this is referred as PVOs(Private voluntary organization)


National Statistical Office, the central national authority charged with the collection and dissemination of official statistics.


A woman who has never been pregnant.


A woman who has never given birth to a viable infant.