
Treatment as prevention (TasP) is a term used to describe HIV prevention methods that use ART in HIV-positive persons to decrease the chance of HIV transmission independent of CD4 cell count. The focus will be on specific populations in whom the prevention impact is expected to be greatest (e.g. serodiscordant couples, pregnant women, key populations).

Traditional birth attendant (TBA)

A community-based provider of care during pregnancy and childbirth. TBAs are not trained to proficiency in the skills necessary to manage or refer obstetric complications. TBAs are not usually salaried, accredited members of the health system. Although they are usually highly esteemed community members and are often the sole providers of delivery care for many women, they should not be included in the definition of a skilled attendant for the calculation of the Millennium Development Goal 5 target.

Total Fertility Rate (TFR)

The average number of children that would be born alive to a woman during her lifetime if the age-specific fertility rates of a given year applied throughout her childbearing years.

Toxic shock syndrome (TSS)

Toxic shock syndrome is the bacterial infection associated with the use of tampons. It is sometimes but rarely fatal.

Tubal ligation

The voluntary surgical contraception (also known as tubectomy, tubal occlusion or tubal ligation and vasectomy) which blocks either the sperm ducts (the vasa deferentia) or the oviducts (fallopian or uterine tubes) to prevent the sperm and ovum from uniting.

Traditional methods (of contraception)

The methods of contraception which include periodic and post-partum abstinence, withdrawal, douche, and folk methods. They are not reliable contraceptives.


A transgender person has a gender identity that is different from his or her sex at birth. Transgender people may be male to female (female appearance) or female to male (male appearance). It is preferable to describe them as ‘he' or ‘she' according to their gender identity, i.e. the gender that they are presenting, not their sex at birth.


Transphobia is fear, rejection, or aversion, often in the form of stigmatising attitudes or discriminatory behaviour, towards transsexuals, transgender people, and transvestites.