Universal Health Care/Coverage.


The UNAIDS Unified Budget, Results, and Accountability Framework.


The United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) is the strategic programme framework that describes the collective response of the UN system to national development priorities.

Under-served groups

The groups that are not normally or not well served by established service delivery programmes.

Unmet need for family planning

The estimates of married women in reproductive age who would like to prevent or delay pregnancy but are not using contraception, either because they lack knowledge about family planning or access to services, or because they face cultural, religious and family obstacles. (Please note that unmarried women are not included in this measure).

Unsafe abortion

The induced abortion conducted either by persons lacking the necessary skills or in an environment lacking the minimal medical and hygienic standards, or both.

Umbilical cord

The tube that connects the fetus to the placenta.


Urinary Tract Infection.


The change (generally, increase) in the proportion of the population living in urban areas relative to rural areas. Urbanization is distinct from urban population growth, which is the change in the number of urban residents without comparison to rural residents. Urbanization is also distinct from urban land growth or urban sprawl, which are physical and infrastructural phenomena.


The pear shaped organ in the female. It has muscular walls, where the fertilized egg is embedded and in which the fetus develops and is nourished